When You Are Not "Beach Body" Ready

Our pool opened up this past weekend, which is both early and amazing because this weekend in Greensboro, North Carolina, we hit the 90’s ya’ll. 

I don’t even want to think about what that means for this summer…

But Memorial Day weekend is USUALLY when swimsuit season officially begins. 

Is your body “swimsuit ready?”

No, I’m not drunk on diet culture… I’m here to tell you that “swimsuit ready” is bullshit.

Swimsuit season is the cousin of National Diet month. A made up and sensationalized “incentive” to get you and me to try to change our bodies and invest in the 70 billion dollar diet industry to do so. 

The truth is, regardless of what size or shape you are, your body is swimsuit ready right now.

It is bikini ready, it is tankini ready, it is one piece ready, it is swim dress ready, it is READY and waiting for you to put a swimsuit on it and take it to the pool or the beach or the backyard kiddie pool. 

Forget anyone else who says otherwise because this is your body and you get to take it wherever you want to in whatever you want or need to dress it in. 

I am over the exhausting message that you should look different in order to enjoy the beach. 

And because of this messaging, people are missing out on life either because they don’t feel like they can put the swimsuit on, or if they do, they feel self conscious in it so they aren’t as present, soaking in all the incredible sensations of the sun and the fun around them. 

Now I know I’m feisty today, some of ya’ll are wondering where gentle Megan is, so here is the gentle message.

I know some of you have been harmed by fatphobic comments about your body and staying out of a swimsuit is a way that you have protected yourself. Society is wrong, these people were wrong for saying those things to you. Your body is not wrong. 

What is a step you can take to begin to reclaim some of this experience for yourself if it feels way too overwhelmingly vulnerable to put on a swimsuit? 

Is it to just go to the beach when you usually forgo the trip altogether? 

Is it to put on shorts and go when you usually wear pants? 

Is it to find a swim dress or athletic or swim shorts and top, something with more coverage that allows you to get in the pool and not feel as vulnerable when you would usually stay covered up on the side?

What is your next step? You can take it slow and it can still be liberating. 

That being said, if something has sparked in you and you have said “enough already!” Don’t hold back, throw on a bikini and give the middle finger to diet culture!

Know that I am here virtually high-fiving you!

Want to feel more healthy and confident in your body WITHOUT exhausting and complicated food rules? Schedule a 20 minute free discovery call and let’s talk about how we can help!

Take care,
